Dialysis Procedure: Types & When It Is Needed
The kidneys are a vital part of the urinary tract. These little organs filter toxins from the blood, sending them to the bladder to be disposed of during urination. When the kidneys fail, those toxins build up in the bloodstream. To combat kidney failure, a dialysis procedure will be recommended.Dialysis [...]
How Long Can You Live with Blocked Arteries?
Arteries are internal tubes that transport oxygen-rich blood and nutrients from your heart to the rest of your body. Though they are initially smooth inside, plaque buildup can reduce or halt blood flow. That blockage, called atherosclerosis, can lead to serious health issues, like hypertension, stroke, or heart attack. So, [...]
Diet After Heart Attack and Stents – What to Eat and Avoid
Heart attacks are the result of reduced or blocked blood flow to the heart. To prevent further damage, your doctor may insert a cardiac stent into the narrowed or blocked arteries. The recovery process after such a procedure includes lifestyle changes, including physical activity, stress management, and controlling blood pressure. [...]
Can Elderly People Survive Heart Failure and How?
Heart failure can affect those of all ages but is most common in individuals over 65. The condition usually occurs as a result of other medical conditions damaging or weakening the heart. Though cardiac issues can be severe, heart failure in elderly people isn’t necessarily life-threatening.To survive the complications of [...]
How Do You Recover From Balance Problems?
How, and to what extent, you can overcome vertigo-type symptoms will depend on your diagnosis. There are a dozen different kinds of balance problems so outcomes will differ depending on which disorder you may have. Doctors specialized in ear, nose, neck, and throat disorders or neurological diseases can help recovery [...]
Early Signs Of Kidney Disease You Should Not Ignore
Without you even knowing it, every half an hour, your kidneys filter all the blood in your body. They remove waste, toxins and excess fluid to keep you in good health. When the kidneys cannot function properly any longer, this may lead to serious health problems such as heart disease [...]
Is It Possible to Slow Down Parkinson’s and How?
Dopamine is the chemical in the brain that regulates movement. When its levels drop, neural degeneration occurs, resulting in Parkinson’s disease. Though there is no known cure, many people wonder if it’s possible to slow down Parkinson’s. The simple answer is yes, you can slow the progression of this [...]
How Much Rehab Do You Need After Joint Replacement Surgery?
Hip, shoulder, knee or other joint replacement rehab therapy is a vital part of the recovery process after surgery. Experience shows that such therapy is often best introduced within a day or two of surgery. Rehabilitation, including physical therapy will continue until you and/or your doctor or physical therapist are [...]
Can Fractured Bones Fully Recover and Heal?
Many of us break or fracture a bone at some point in our lives. Fractures can be simple or complex – when a bone breaks in several places requiring surgery to realign bone fragments. There’s a lot of knowledge out there, and especially among orthopedic doctors, about the best [...]
Four Simple and Miraculous Benefits of Orthopedic Therapy
Our musculoskeletal system is complex, consisting of bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, cartilage, and tendons. Injuries, accidents, or illnesses that affect such an intricate network of parts require specialized treatment. Even after surgery to correct damage to this system, the right therapy is essential for a speedy recovery. Luckily, there [...]