How To Protect Yourself From Heatstroke
If you would like to protect yourself from heatstroke, you must know the symptoms and ways to avoid this condition. Also referred to as heatstroke, sunstroke is a serious condition that results from overexposure to the sun or heat. Not all heatstroke is a result of the sun. Heatstroke can [...]
Facts About Loss of Strength in the Elderly
A loss of strength and muscle mass (also known as sarcopenia) is one of the main factors that lead to frailty in senior citizens. Although the symptoms usually appear only after the age of 65, the process, as a matter of fact, already starts when we enter our thirties [...]
Sleep Remedies for Older Adults
Does someone in your family suffer from interrupted sleep? Sleep is critical to a person’s health and well-being. If your loved one finds they’re sleeping poorly or not at all, their health and mental wellbeing can take a real hit. Fortunately, there are a few effective sleep remedies out [...]
Swollen Ankles: Causes and Treatments
Swollen ankles can be common and are not usually a cause for concern. They can occur with age, if you stand on your feet for a long period of time or if you walk a lot. That said, swelling can also be linked to more serious issues such as [...]
A Quick Guide to Irregular Heartbeats in Seniors
Although irregular heartbeats amongst the elderly is quite common, it is still unnerving. In some instances a racing or fluttering heart do not pose any risk. Though, in some instances it can be life-threatening and so it is always best to speak to an experienced medical professional. Different types [...]
Overcoming Spring Allergies
Now that we’re a few weeks into spring, lots of you will be rejoicing to see more green foliage and those bursts of colour. But for some unfortunate people, the advent of spring isn’t such a joyous time thanks to spring allergies. If you’ve never had chronic seasonal allergies, [...]
Sleeplessness and Health: How to Avoid Missing Sleep
Did you know that sleeplessness can seriously affect your health? We all need a certain amount of sleep each night to wake up feeling refreshed, revitalized, and ready for the day ahead. However, the truth is that one third of American adults do not get enough sleep. Stress, a [...]
Causes Of Anemia In Adults And Seniors
There are numerous causes of anemia, although aging is not one of them, it’s a very common condition seen in adults and seniors. Red blood cells are vital to our wellbeing. They contain an iron-rich protein called hemoglobin which carries oxygen from your lungs all around your body. Anemia [...]
How Psychological Therapies Help Patients With Neurological Disorders
Psychological therapies can be combined with medicinal treatments. Doing so means that patients with neurological disorders will receive the comprehensive care they need. There are many visible changes that take place as we get older. Graying hair and stiff joints may be worrisome but they are not the greatest [...]
Why Narrowed Arteries Can Be Dangerous
Your coronary arteries have a very important job to do. They are in charge of carrying blood to, and from, your heart to the rest of your body. Narrowed arteries mean that their ability to do this job is compromised. Why arteries get narrowed? Narrowed coronary arteries can [...]