

Extreme Fatigue After Surgery – Here’s How to Fix It

By |May 18th, 2020|Categories: Nursing|

Did you ever wonder why you feel so tired and lethargic after surgery? A common misconception is that this is a result of being anesthetized. Surely being artificially put to sleep drains your system and causes tiredness? Surprisingly no – extreme fatigue after surgery is the result of other factors [...]

How Activities – Even Adjusted – Boost Mental Health

By |May 11th, 2020|Categories: Rehabilitation|

If you’ve had surgery or are undergoing rehab after treatment, don’t forget to look after your mental health. Maintaining a positive outlook helps you stay healthier for longer and heal quicker. And a key way to do this is to enjoy music and socialize with a nurse or therapist whenever [...]

Cleaning and Disinfecting are More Important Than Ever

By |April 27th, 2020|Categories: Nursing|

Cleaning and disinfecting have always been important in medical settings for the safety of patients and staff. However, now in the wake of COVID-19, they have become paramount for the protection of all residents and staff. To this end, Haym Salomon Home is taking extra safety measures to prevent [...]

In our efforts effective immediately

By |April 27th, 2020|Categories: News|

To the families and friends of Haym Salomon Residents: As you are aware, the COVID-19 virus has had a profound impact on the New York City Metropolitan Area, including our facility. While we continue to make every effort to safeguard your loved ones/our residents and our staff, the situation [...]

Dementia Long-Term Care Facilities: Things You Need Know

By |April 20th, 2020|Categories: Nursing|

There’s always been a lot of talk of dementia long-term care facilities in the news, and rightfully so. These critical facilities play a very important role in the lives of individuals living with dementia, particularly when their families are no longer able to successfully care for their loved one on their [...]

Pneumonia Dangers: Mistakes to Avoid

By |April 13th, 2020|Categories: Nursing|

Have you heard of pneumonia dangers? Adults who suffer from pneumonia must be aware of how serious this condition could get. Therefore, it is crucial to do everything possible to stay away from its triggers and avoid them. It is a serious lung infection, and is one of the biggest [...]

Let’s Protect Ourselves and Everyone Else

By |April 6th, 2020|Categories: News|

We all need to be aware of the new virus threat, stay vigilant, and protect ourselves and others at all times. While most people who get infected will suffer mild symptoms and recover quite quickly, it’s important not to relax. We all need to take the recommended precautions, including [...]

Why It’s So Hard to Manage Infections

By |March 30th, 2020|Categories: Nursing|

It is obvious that managing infections can be really hard, but why and what makes them that difficult? Examples of infections include the common cold, polio, influenza, and of course COVID-19. It is vital that during these uncertain times, people understand how to manage infections, and the difficulties that [...]

Reverse Rheumatoid Arthritis with 4 Proven Ways

By |March 23rd, 2020|Categories: Nursing|

Rheumatoid arthritis is not uncommon in elderly people but it’s possible to slow its progress or reverse it. A chronic disease, rheumatoid arthritis can cause joint and muscle pains which come and go in an unpredictable way. One day you can feel fine and the next you can feel severe [...]

Six Steps to Boost Your Immune System That Work

By |March 16th, 2020|Categories: Nursing|

Your immune system protects your health and defends you against disease-causing microorganisms and invading pathogens, including viruses. It’s not a single entity but consists of many biological processes and requires balance and harmony to function well.There are a number of things you can do in practice to give your body [...]

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