

Holiday Meal Ideas: Eat Healthy To Stay Safe And Sound

By |December 28th, 2020|Categories: Nursing|

During holiday meals, there is always the temptation to try too many of the tasty treats on offer. But you should consider your diet carefully, especially during these festive occasions. After all, your health, safety, and well-being are precious to you as well as your loved ones. Here are [...]

Giving IV Therapy In A Nursing Home: What You Should Know

By |December 21st, 2020|Categories: Nursing|

IV (intravenous) therapy, is a fairly common treatment for adults and seniors who require nutrition or medication delivered directly into the bloodstream. Giving IV therapy is possible in a nursing home or hospital, but there are a few things worth knowing. You might wonder what the procedure involves and [...]

Джамшид Мирзаев

By |December 14th, 2020|Categories: Rehabilitation|

Я очень благодарен всем работникам центра Haym Salomon Home за их внимание и заботу. Когда меня сюда привезли, я абсолютно не мог двигаться, даже ногу поднять не мог, настолько они были опухшие. А сейчас с ходунками я могу пройти уже 150 футов (45 м). И это после перелома позвоночника в [...]

Dialysis Treatment: How It Can Improve Kidney Function

By |December 7th, 2020|Categories: Nursing|

Malfunctioning kidneys can lead to serious health problems and treatments involving dialysis treatment play a central role in renal care. This therapy is offered to patients with serious kidney issues and helps minimize hospital readmissions. What Is The Process Of Dialysis Treatment? Dialysis, also known as renal [...]

What Questions To Ask When Choosing A Nursing Home

By |November 30th, 2020|Categories: Nursing|

When it comes to choosing a nursing home, there are several things you need to consider. What kind of therapy do you or your loved one need? How long might you be resident in the nursing home? Might you be requiring IV therapy or wound care? Do you need a [...]

To Prevent Infection From Spreading Follow 3 Simple Rules

By |November 23rd, 2020|Categories: Nursing|

Whether you have a lung disease or a wound that won’t heal properly, infections cause problems if allowed to spread. They can be debilitating, even deadly, and can spread to other people. That’s why it’s so important to promptly prevent infection from spreading.The first thing visitors notice when they enter [...]

Chest Infection And Complications: How Serious Can They Be?

By |November 16th, 2020|Categories: Nursing|

A chest infection is an infection of the lungs or large airways, weakens you, and saps morale. Most people experience these infections at some point in their lives. Many are mild and clear up by themselves, but others can be severe or even life-threatening.Pneumonia is a serious condition associated with [...]

Causes of Breathing Problems And When To Seek Assistance

By |November 2nd, 2020|Categories: Nursing|

Breathing is the essence of life and any respiratory problems need to be addressed right away. Breathing problems can affect your physical health and mental wellbeing so it’s important to know about their causes and symptoms. Many patients suffering from breathing difficulties find that pulmonary therapy can make a big [...]

Holiday Season Celebrations Are Coming Round Again

By |October 26th, 2020|Categories: Rehabilitation|

The latter part of the year, from October onwards, sees a number of mood-boosting holidays. For adults and seniors who may be recovering from surgery the holiday season offers a certain respite from their rehab routines. Our facilities will turn into a sea of green and red, full of [...]

COPD: Can A Person With Pulmonary Disease Get Better?

By |October 20th, 2020|Categories: Nursing|

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a group of diseases that attack the lungs. They inflame the lungs, restrict air flow, and cause breathing difficulties. Symptoms including coughing, wheezing and excess mucus production.Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are the most common conditions associated with this disease. It’s vital to get medical [...]

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