Pulmonary Rehab – What Are Its Benefits And Advantages
The aim of pulmonary rehab is to keep you active if you have a lung condition. Pulmonary rehab is a program of treatment which teaches you how to manage your symptoms and your condition. It also teaches you how to look after your lungs through exercise.You may also be offered [...]
Colostomy Diet Restrictions: What To Eat And Not To Eat
To promote recovery after a colostomy and ileostomy, and to avoid or reduce pain, be careful about what you eat. After surgery, you will need to follow a carefully planned colostomy diet. This means you won’t be able to eat anything you like, and there will be some restrictions.The information [...]
Speech Disorder Therapies: Are These Exercises Necessary?
A speech disorder affects people of all ages and can be frustrating and stressful. They prevent people from freely and fluently expressing their thoughts and feelings. Therapy to help alleviate speech disorders is very beneficial even for stroke sufferers or those with dementia or other neurological conditions, who often suffer [...]
Memory Loss: Occupational Therapy Helps With Forgetfulness
Many people – both adults and the elderly – experience varying degrees of forgetfulness or memory loss. This is a worrying, frightening and frustrating experience, and can curtail your independence and dent your confidence. While severe lack of memory in the elderly cannot be reversed, occupational therapy can help. [...]
Holiday Meal Ideas: Eat Healthy To Stay Safe And Sound
During holiday meals, there is always the temptation to try too many of the tasty treats on offer. But you should consider your diet carefully, especially during these festive occasions. After all, your health, safety, and well-being are precious to you as well as your loved ones. Here are [...]
Giving IV Therapy In A Nursing Home: What You Should Know
IV (intravenous) therapy, is a fairly common treatment for adults and seniors who require nutrition or medication delivered directly into the bloodstream. Giving IV therapy is possible in a nursing home or hospital, but there are a few things worth knowing. You might wonder what the procedure involves and [...]
Джамшид Мирзаев
Я очень благодарен всем работникам центра Haym Salomon Home за их внимание и заботу. Когда меня сюда привезли, я абсолютно не мог двигаться, даже ногу поднять не мог, настолько они были опухшие. А сейчас с ходунками я могу пройти уже 150 футов (45 м). И это после перелома позвоночника в [...]
Dialysis Treatment: How It Can Improve Kidney Function
Malfunctioning kidneys can lead to serious health problems and treatments involving dialysis treatment play a central role in renal care. This therapy is offered to patients with serious kidney issues and helps minimize hospital readmissions. What Is The Process Of Dialysis Treatment? Dialysis, also known as renal [...]
What Questions To Ask When Choosing A Nursing Home
When it comes to choosing a nursing home, there are several things you need to consider. What kind of therapy do you or your loved one need? How long might you be resident in the nursing home? Might you be requiring IV therapy or wound care? Do you need a [...]
To Prevent Infection From Spreading Follow 3 Simple Rules
Whether you have a lung disease or a wound that won’t heal properly, infections cause problems if allowed to spread. They can be debilitating, even deadly, and can spread to other people. That’s why it’s so important to promptly prevent infection from spreading.The first thing visitors notice when they enter [...]