What Does Heart Blockage Feel Like? – Warning Signs
Heart attacks caused by blocked arteries are a leading cause of death. Heart blockage symptoms may be a warning sign of a heart attack. While there is no cure for heart attacks, it’s useful to recognize the early signs of heart failure.What follows is general guidance on what you might [...]
Rehab After a Hospital Stay – Why You Might Need It
Hospital visits can be the result of an injury, serious illness, or surgery. Afterward, you may require inpatient care in rehab, which offers high levels of specialized care that’s not available at home. This includes 24-hour nursing care for those who don’t have the physical or mental ability to care [...]
Can Exercises Help With Swallowing Problems?
One of the main reasons for swallowing issues is due to weakened throat muscles. This makes it more difficult for those muscles to move food or beverages down your throat as they’re supposed to. Luckily, those throat muscles can be strengthened using swallowing exercises. This type of therapy also improves [...]
What Does It Mean When You Can Hear Your Heartbeat In Your Ears?
Tinnitus, or a ringing in the ear, is quite common and tends to affect older people most. The noises people hear could be like a heartbeat in the ear, or a whooshing, clicking, buzzing or humming sound. Tinnitus can disturb concentration, affect your sleep and be frustrating. If you experience [...]
The Best Rehab Therapy for Stroke Recovery – Our Guide
Strokes are the result of a lack of blood flow, and more importantly oxygen, to the brain. When this happens, brain cells die, taking some of their functions with them. Luckily, there are a few types of therapy for stroke recovery that can help restore your brain functions. Only [...]
Things To Avoid and Never Do After Angioplasty
When the coronary arteries become narrow and hard, they may require assistance to maintain blood flow to the heart. Angioplasties are a common treatment when medication isn’t enough to solve this issue. They are also used after a heart attack as an emergency treatment. Patients then need to learn what [...]
What Are The Most Powerful Memory Activities?
Forgetfulness seems to come with age, though some people have more issues with memory loss than others. Those with Alzheimer’s, dementia, or other neurological diseases may struggle with this issue. Luckily, there are a variety of memory activities that can help reduce and prevent memory loss.These activities are designed to [...]
How Exercise Helps With Neurological Diseases
It’s well known that regular exercise is a recipe for a longer and healthier life. Regardless of your health condition, some kind of exercise is almost always beneficial. But did you know that exercise helps people with neurological diseases tremendously? Exercise stimulates brain activity and has been shown to [...]
What Are The Benefits Of Short-Term Rehab?
People undergoing treatment for serious injuries, infectious diseases and other health complications, may need tailored rehab to speed their recovery. There are many benefits of short-term rehab, that can set people on the path to recovery and make a huge difference to quality of life.All rehab programs differ and depend [...]
What Causes Anxiety in Older Adults – Our Tips
Anxiety is common in those of all ages. It can show up in the form of phobias, OCD, panic attacks, or PTSD. As time passes, what causes anxiety in older adults becomes more age-specific. These issues can even be linked to memories as much as the present concerns in our [...]