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So far Haym Salomon Home has created 321 blog entries.

Stop Cognitive Decline With These Three Solutions

By |2020-03-02T10:30:12-05:00March 2nd, 2020|Rehabilitation|

As we age, cognition declines naturally in some of us. Interestingly, not everyone suffers this condition as they age. Why do some of us get it but others don’t? Possibly because those with high stress levels, and heavy smokers or drinkers, are more likely to experience rapid decline. So for the most at-risk groups what [...]

What Causes Wheezing – Is It Serious?

By |2024-01-25T13:04:56-05:00February 24th, 2020|Rehabilitation|

Wheezing is a rasping sound you make when you breathe, and there are many different causes. Breathing supplies oxygen to the blood and keeps us alive so anything hampering this process is potentially very serious. Having a clear airway—one unobstructed by mucus or an inflammation—is vital for your good health and well-being. Anyone who [...]

Nursing Home vs Assisted Living – What’s Best

By |2021-03-03T13:33:16-05:00February 17th, 2020|Nursing|

Choosing between nursing homes vs assisted living accommodation for the elderly can be confusing. You may find yourself questioning the safety, quality of life, and services offered in both the settings. While both facilities offer medication management, safe housing, entertainment opportunities, and daily meals, there are important differences too. Here’s a breakdown of the [...]

Six Tips For Helping Dementia Patients

By |2020-02-10T12:58:24-05:00February 10th, 2020|Nursing|

Helping Dementia Patients can be a difficult task. Behavior changes, memory problems, extreme irritability, and even aggression are symptoms of this disease. So, it’s absolutely crucial that these patients get dementia care or people caring for them learn to manage the symptoms.Haym Salomon Home for Nursing & Rehabilitation in Brooklyn welcomes dementia patients, and treats [...]

Muscle Weakness After Heart Failure

By |2020-02-03T10:18:19-05:00February 3rd, 2020|Rehabilitation|

One of the most common conditions in the United States is heart failure, which affects about 5 million people every year. Heart failure is such a debilitating condition that affects the entire body. This also causes extreme muscle weakness. As a result, many who suffer from it are often encouraged to lose weight and [...]

How Can Physical Therapy Help After Bypass Surgery?

By |2020-01-27T10:07:04-05:00January 27th, 2020|Rehabilitation|

It’s no wonder that physical therapy after bypass surgery is important. How long does it take one to recover from the surgery? What side effects can I expect? Those are just some questions a patient, or their family, may have after they or a loved one undergoes bypass surgery.Bypass surgery has become the most common [...]

Maintaining Cognitive Function Using Occupational Therapy

By |2022-08-18T15:31:07-04:00January 20th, 2020|Rehabilitation|

Can occupational therapy prevent the decline of cognitive function in older patients? The answer is “Yes”! Cognitive decline and impairment are complex disorders requiring multi-faceted treatment. The application of occupational therapy has been shown to reduce symptoms, improve outcomes, and sometimes even arrest the development of the dysfunction. How occupational therapy works Occupational therapy can [...]

Who Qualifies For Long-Term Care?

By |2020-01-13T11:58:25-05:00January 13th, 2020|Nursing|

Finding the right long-term nursing care can be a stressful and emotional experience, and a seemingly daunting task. There will be many considerations to weigh up when arranging the best quality of care in the right setting. Foremost among these will be where the care takes place, and what your insurance covers. What are the [...]

End-Stage Kidney Failure: Care and Treatment

By |2020-01-02T09:32:47-05:00December 30th, 2019|Nursing|

If a patient’s kidneys begin to fail, renal failure treatment is required immediately. Excessive exposure to toxins, including alcohol, some medications, or poisons in the environment can all cause kidney failure. So can certain diseases, severe dehydration, and physical damage to the organs. The symptoms of kidney failure vary depending on the stage of [...]

What Is Involved In Rehab After Hospital?

By |2020-01-06T15:15:50-05:00December 16th, 2019|Rehabilitation|

Many people who have had a medical emergency or surgery will need a period of rehabilitation after hospital. Fractures, brain injuries, amputation, heart attacks and hip replacements are the kinds of things which require time for you to recover. The aim of rehabilitation therapies after amputation or other serious surgery and treatments is to [...]

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